Tips for Hosting a Liquor Tasting at Home

Tastings arenโ€™t only for wines. Liquors such as tequila and bourbon offer rare bottles that many have never tasted. What better way to spend an evening than tasting some new spirits with friends? Follow these tips for hosting a liquor tasting at home, and prepare to make memories while sampling and snacking.

Send Invitations

Formal invitations are not a must but can be a fun touch to let friends know what they are getting into.

Ask each guest to bring cheese and some crackers to combine with the different liquors. You may discover some incredible pairings this way. Or ask for a dish everyone can enjoy after the tasting. Guests usually prefer to be a part of the gathering in this way.

Let your guests know what the evening is about, so they come prepared to drink.

Choose Your Ideal Liquor

We donโ€™t recommend you have a tasting involving more than one type of liquor in one evening. That could be a bit much.

Choose something fun, like a scotch or whiskey tasting, and focus on about three different varieties of the spirit you choose.

Use Small Pours

You are all in for a long night if you fill glasses with a standard pour during a tasting.

With a few different samples going around, use proper glasses that you can fill just with an ounce or two for a tasting.

Keep water on hand for those who prefer a splash in their drink. Some feel this opens up the notes of the liquor.

Cleanse the Palate

Between each tasting, you should cleanse your palate, so one taste doesnโ€™t interfere with the next.

This is easily done by having a few bowls of simple crackers around the tasting area.

Have a Discussion

Anyone can sit around and taste liquor on their own. The point of a tasting with friends is to enjoy the insight and discussion with others.

Discuss what you smell, taste, and even feel as each spirit is sampled. For a more serious tasting, have notecards and pens handy so that guests can bring their notes home to remember what they liked about each sample.

Supply Non-Alcoholic Options

There is a good chance someone among the crowd wonโ€™t be drinking. Show thoughtfulness by offering soda and water, along with the snacks and dishes that were brought to share.

Following these tips for hosting a liquor tasting at home will guarantee a memorable evening and a list of new liquor to keep on hand.

VS Liquor is happy to share their knowledge and offer suggestions for an at-home liquor tasting. With items such as rare tequila for sale, an extensive list of whiskeys, and much more, we can help you create a night to remember.