Ciroc Pineapple Grape Vodka 750ml


Ciroc Pineapple Grape Vodka is a tropical masterpiece crafted with Ciroc’s signature ultra-premium vodka and infused with the bold flavors of pineapple and grape. Made from fine French grapes and distilled five times for unparalleled smoothness, this vodka delivers a luscious, fruity profile with a refreshingly sweet finish. Ideal for sipping on its own or mixing into exotic cocktails, it’s a must-have for any occasion that calls for vibrant flavor.

Enhance your celebrations with Ciroc Pineapple Grape Vodka, now available for Online Purchase at VS Liquor. Its tropical taste pairs perfectly with mixers like coconut water, orange juice, or sparkling soda, making it a versatile addition to your bar. Whether hosting a party or relaxing by the pool, this vodka is the ultimate companion for creating unforgettable moments.

Experience hassle-free shopping with VS Liquor's reliable Home Delivery service. Skip the store trips and get Ciroc Pineapple Grape Vodka delivered straight to your doorstep. With just a few clicks, you can enjoy this premium vodka at your convenience and elevate your cocktail game effortlessly.

Buy Ciroc Pineapple Grape Vodka Now!

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