Jack Daniel's Barrel Proof Space Jack Tennessee Whiskey Selected by SDBB 750ml
Selected by San Diego Barrel Boys
Jack Daniel's Barrel Proof Space Jack Tennessee Whiskey, selected by SDBB, is a premium whiskey that promises an exceptional tasting experience. This limited-edition release offers a bold and rich flavor profile, perfect for discerning whiskey enthusiasts. With its robust oak and smoky undertones, it delivers a full-bodied sip that stands out. The high-proof, cask-strength finish adds to the depth, making it an ideal choice for connoisseurs and collectors alike.
Looking for the perfect whiskey gift? Jack Daniel's Barrel Proof Space Jack Tennessee Whiskey is a fantastic option for special occasions. Whether you’re celebrating a milestone or treating a whiskey lover, this bottle makes a lasting impression. Perfect for those who appreciate quality craftsmanship and distinctive flavors.
When you buy whiskey online, convenience is key. VS Liquor offers quick and easy whiskey home delivery, so you can enjoy your favorite spirits without leaving the comfort of your home. Shop today and elevate your collection with Jack Daniel's Barrel Barrel Proof Space Jack Tennessee Whiskey.
Buy Jack Daniel's Barrel Proof Space Jack Tennessee Whiskey Now!
Proof: 130.6
Bottling Date: 04/19/2021
Barrel No. 21-21025
Rick No. L-13